Uncover Customer Reviews to Drive insightful results!

Review Now is an AI-based platform that uses natural language processing (NLP) technology to extract valuable insights from unstructured data sources such as e-commerce website reviews, and social media interactions. We provide actionable insights to our clients with Review Now. Our solution is flexible, scalable, and tailored to specific business needs.

Understand what your customers like and dislike about your product

Identify product issues or defects that may be affecting customer satisfaction

Experience a multifold hike in your brand’s performance.

Gain a deep analysis of your competitors.

Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty significantly.

Enhance your
brand equity.

Crafted to fit your business, our solutions offer unparalleled flexibility and scalability.


  • Uses AI to analyze millions of comments and reviews for your brand.
  • Helps businesses understand your customer needs and preferences.
  • Informs product adjustments based on user interactions.
  • Assists in identifying and fixing issues with your brand.
  • Analyzes rival reviews and suggests actions to improve your brand position.

Revamp your brand's effectiveness that reflects customer insights.

Revamp your brand's effectiveness that reflects customer insights.